Each access account to Pinaxo is individual, i.e. it is not allowed that two or more people log in using the same username and password.
This is in compliance with the regulations on privacy and personal data protection.
If the Pinaxo server detects an access while a session with the same credentials is already open, the latter is “closed” and the following message appears:
This Pinaxo session has ended as a login was made from another device with your account.
Of course, all of us at Pinaxo are happy if new people find Pinaxo useful and want to have access to this service.
The situation simply needs to be regulated:
If one of your collaborators or partners, without Pinaxo, needs it, simply request an additional account by writing to support@pinaxo.com and indicating your name, surname and email.
Retailers can request shared accounts to be used, for example, for the stations at the sales counter.
These are “special” accounts, the data associated with them is “anonymized” to comply with the regulations, they can only be created in limited numbers and in the event of a real and justified need.
To request shared accounts, the reference contact is always support@pinaxo.com