Preisliste Colombo Design 30 | 07/01/2025
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- Bathroom Accessories Price List 30
- Symbols Legend
- Finishes Legend
- General Sales Conditions
- Intro
- A Family Company
- Our Mission
- Our Network
- Green Made
- Our Certifications
- Our Warranties
- Our Materials, Finishes and Treatments
- Our Thinking Design
- Our Finishes
- Our Collections
- _MiniQ
- Alizé
- Forever
- Land
- Link
- Look
- Lulù
- Luna
- Mini
- Nordic
- Over
- Plus
- Road
- Time
- Trenta
- Classic Line
- Basic - The Affordable Quality
- Piantane e Colonne - Free Standing and Wall Columns
- Coordinati d’Arredo - Design Complements
- Appenditutto - Coat Hangers
- Oggettistica - Free standing objects
- Mood Collection
- Complementi - Complements
- ADJ collection
- Coordinati Doccia - Shower Complements
- Angolari - Shower Baskets
- Cavalletti e Sedili - Universal racks and Seats
- Specchi - Mirrors
- Specchi Ingranditori - Magnifying Mirrors
- Fashion Mirrors
- Contract
- Code Index
Relevante Inhalte
Colombo Design le confezioni prevedono viti, tasselli e brugole di montaggio, salvo dove non diversamente indicato. le misure sono espresse in centimetri. peso ( ) comprensivo di imballo (kg). colombo design si riserva di apportare ai propri prodotti ogni modifica estetica e tecnica che a suo insindacabile giudizio ritenga necessaria. il presente listino è tutelato dalla legge sui diritti di autore di esso è quindi proibita ogni riproduzione, totale o anche parziale.
Colombo Design screws and dowels are included in the package, except where is differently indicated. sizes are in centimetres. weight ( )of the package included (kg). colombo design reserves the right to modify parts of its collection range whenever necessary without previous notice to the customer. this price list is protected by the italian copyright law and all rights are reserved. no part of this price list may be reproduced in any form or by any means.
Colombo Design production code
Colombo Design release
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Colombo Design price list
Colombo Design zlist.b 02/25
Colombo Design r1‐0225 codice di produzione
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