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Casabath colori · colours
Casabath effetto metallo · metal effect
Casabath the simplicity of the aesthetic of the air collection hides a careful technical research. the structure shows only its lightness, absolute protagonist of this environment.
Casabath casabath
Casabath the most traditional solutions change style with the choice of combinations of different materials and acquire new aesthetic values.
Casabath the use of innovative materials, together with the more traditional ones, make each solution original and rich in content.
Casabath thanks to solutions with column cabinets or glass walls, the bathroom cancels out any stereotype associated with it and tone rooms, like other areas of the home.
Casabath essenze · woods
Casabath wood / wild wood
Casabath specchio · mirror
Casabath marmo · marble
Casabath cuoio rigenerato · regenerated leather
Casabath stonelith
Casabath vetro · glass
Casabath porfido - porphyry
Casabath no longer just a bathroom. furnishing solutions that are inspired by maximum versatility, for a space open to new lifestyles outside the most obvious schemes.
Casabath the bathroom evolves and becomes a living space, a new identity that gives an unedited value to this environment.