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Price list Agape Systems | 2024/02
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Table of contents
A. EVO 21
Piani/ Countertop
Codifica/ Codification
Evo 21 - A Solid surface, 12 mm
Evo 21 - A Undici tondo integrato Solid surface, 12 mm
Evo 21 - A Undici ovale integrato Solid surface, 12 mm
Evo 21 - A Undici rettangolare integrato Solid surface, 12 mm
Evo 21 - A Raso integrato Solid surface, 12 mm
Evo 21 - B Legno/ Wood, 12 mm
Evo 21 - C Legno/ Wood, 30 mm
Evo 21 - D Marmo/ Marble, 20 mm
Evo 21 - D Undici Inox ACER0380 filotop Marmo/ Marble, 20 mm
Evo 21 - Litorale Solid surface, 60 mm
Forature/ Holes
Contenitori/ Storage units
Introduzione/ Introduction
Codifica/ Codification
AE21CA-AE21CH H 30 cm
AE21CB-AE21CI H 30 cm
AE21CC-AE21CL H 40 cm
AE21CD-AE21CM H 40 cm
AE21CE-AE21CN H 40 cm
AE21CF-AE21CO H 70 cm
AE21CG-AE21CP H 70 cm
Kit per lavabi da appoggio/ Countertop washbasin kit
Indicazioni per contenitori sottopiano/ Indications for undercounter storage units
Fianchi di finitura/ Finishing sides
Copricatena/ Beam cover
Alzate/ Splash-backs
Finiture/ Finishes
Indice/ Index
Esempio/ Example
Cassa/ Casing
Cassetto/ Drawer
Frontale/ Drawer front
Vano a giorno/ Open storage units
Abaco composizioni/ Abacus compositions
Finiture/ Finishes
Modulo d’ordine/ Order form
Indice piani/ Countertop index
Codifica piani/ Codification of countertops
Piano senza lavabo/ Countertop without basin
Piano da appoggio/ Countertop to be rested on cabinets - 3 x 50
Piano da appoggio/ Countertop to be rested on cabinets - 6 x 50
Piano autoportante/ Self-bearing countertop - 6 x 50
Piano autoportante/ Self-bearing countertop - 12 x 50
Piano autoportante attrezzato/ Self-bearing countertop (fitted edge) - 12 x 50
Piani con lavabo integrato/ Countertops with integrated washbasin
Piano con Ottocento 001 integrato/ Countertop with integrated Ottocento 001
Piano con Ottocento 002 integrato/ Countertop with integrated Ottocento 002
Strutture per piani/ Structures for countertop
Forature/ Holes
Codifica contenitori/ Codification storage units
Maniglie/ Handles
Contenitore a giorno/ Open storage unit
Contenitore con cassetto / Drawer storage unit
Contenitore con cassettone/ Storage unit with large drawer
Contenitore con cassettone e cassetto interno/ Storage unit with large drawer and inside drawer
Contenitore portalavabo/ Washbasin supporting storage unit
Contenitori Plus/ Plus storage units
Strutture per contenitori/ Structures for storage units
Ricambi/ Spares
Alzate/ Splash-back panels
Finiture/ Finishes
Modulo d’ordine/ Order form
Esempio/ Example
Struttura/ Structure
Piano porta lavabo/ Washbasin support top
Lavabi compatibili/ Compatible washbasins
Piano porta oggetti/ Tray support top
Vassoi porta oggetti/ Trays
Accessori/ Accessories
Abaco composizioni/ Abacus compositions
Finiture/ Finishes
Codifica/ Codification
cm 120
cm 140
cm 160
cm 180
cm 200
cm 220
Forature/ holes
Telaio con ripiano/ Frame with shelf
Informazioni tecniche/ Technical information
Indicazioni posizionamento/ Technical information
Abaco/ Abacus
Finiture/ Finishes
Codifica/ Codification
Composizioni/ Compositions
Forature/ holes
Finiture/ Finishes
Componenti/ Components
Guida al posizionamento/ Positioning guide
Guida alla composizione/ Composition
Composizioni/ Compositions
Finiture/ Finishes
19. Manutenzione e pulizia/ Maintenance and cleaning kit
20. Materiali e finiture/ Materials and finishings
Legno / Wood
Cristalplant® biobased
Solid surface
Cemento / Concrete
Ceramica / Ceramic
Marmo / Marble
Argilla refrattaria / Fireclay
Pietra lavica / Lava stone
Acciaio inox / Stainless steel
Alluminio / Aluminium
Ottone / Brass
Cristallo / Crystal glass
Gomma siliconica / Silicone rubber
21. Condizioni di vendita e identificazione prodotto/ Sales conditions and product identification
Condizioni di vendita
Sales conditions
Allgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen
Conditions générales de vente
Condiciones generales de venta
Relevant contents
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Agape flat xl plus
Agape rigo
Agape cavalletto
Agape legno / wood / holz / bois / madera
Agape biobased
Agape cristalplant
Agape solid surface
Agape ceramilux
Agape cemento / concrete / zement / cimet / cemento
Agape ceramica / ceramic / keramic / céramique / cerámica
Agape marmo / marble / marmor / marbre / m ármol
Agape argilla refrattaria / fireclay / feuerfeste tonmasse / argile réfractaire / arcilla refractaria
Agape acciaio inox / stainless steel / edelstahl / acier inox / acero inox
Agape alluminio / aluminium / aluminium / alluminio / aluminio
Agape ottone / brass / messing / laiton / láton
Agape cristallo / crystal glass / kristallglas / cristal / cristal
Agape gomma siliconica / silicone rubber / silikongummi / caotchouc silicone / goma de silicona
Agape condizioni di vendita
Agape sales conditions
Agape allgemeine verkaufsbedingungen
Agape conditions générales de vente
Agape condiciones generales de venta
Agape 21
Agape pietralavica/lavastone/lavastein/ pierre de lave / piedra lavica
Agape ottocento 001 integrato/ integrated/ integriert/ intégrée/ integrado
Agape ottocento 002 integrato/ integrated/ integriert/ intégrée/ integrado
Agape ottocento 002 integrato/ integrated/ integriert/ intégr ée/ integrado
Agape limón memory
Agape fez2
Agape memory mix sen square
Agape introduction
Agape piani/ countertops/ ablagen/ plans/ encimeras countertop
Agape codificación evo 21
Agape codification evo 21
Agape codifica evo 21
Agape evo 21 - a
Agape evo 21 - a undici tondo integrato
Agape evo 21 - a undici ovale integrato
Agape evo 21 - a undici rettang. integrato
Agape evo 21 - a raso integrato
Agape piani/countertops/ablagen/plans/encimeras
Agape evo 21 - b
Agape evo 21 - c
Agape undici inox acer0380 filotop evo 21 - d
Agape evo 21 - d
Agape undici inox acer0380 filotop
Agape evo 21 - litorale
Agape perçages
Agape orificios
Agape ausschnitte
Agape h 30 cm l 40 - 120 cm p 40 / 50
Agape h 40 cm l 40 - 120 cm p 40 / 50 cm
Agape h 70 cm l 40 - 120 cm p 40 / 50 cm
Agape storage units
Agape kit para lavabos de apoyo
Agape countertop washbasin kit
Agape kit pour lavabos à poser
Agape kit per lavabi da appoggio
Agape kit für aufsatz- waschbecken
Agape finishing sides
Agape paneles laterales
Agape fianchi di finitura
Agape seitliche abschlussplatten
Agape côtés de finition
Agape kettenabdeckung
Agape copricatena
Agape cubrecadena
Agape beam cover
Agape garde-chaîne
Agape alzate
Agape dosserets
Agape alzados
Agape stehborde
Agape splash-back panels
Agape acabados
Agape índice
Agape index
Agape example
Agape exemple
Agape casing
Agape korpus
Agape caisse
Agape caja
Agape cassa
Agape cassetto
Agape cajón
Agape tiroir
Agape frontal
Agape drawer front
Agape schubladenfront
Agape façade
Agape regal
Agape open storage units
Agape vano a giorno
Agape compartiment à jour
Agape compartimento abierto
Agape abaco composizioni
Agape finiture
Agape formulario de pedido
Agape inhaltsverzeichnis index
Agape indice
Agape índice encimeras
Agape index plans
Agape inhaltsverzeichnis ablagen
Agape countertop index
Agape indice piani
Agape kodifizierung von ablagen
Agape codification of
Agape codification of countertops
Agape codificación encimeras
Agape codifica piani
Agape code plans
Agape estructuras
Agape structures
Agape strukturen
Agape strutture
Agape forature
Agape contenitori
Agape caissons
Agape contenedores
Agape schränke
Agape finishes
Agape bestellformular
Agape esempio
Agape ejemplo
Agape beispiel
Agape estructura
Agape structure
Agape struktur
Agape struttura
Agape plan
Agape countertop
Agape over countertop washbasins
Agape lavabos de apoyo
Agape lavabi appoggio
Agape aufsatz- waschbecken
Agape lavabos à poser
Agape regement
Agape tray support top
Agape ablageplatte
Agape porta objetos
Agape piano porta oggetti
Agape plateau porte-objets
Agape tablett
Agape trays
Agape vassoi porta oggetti
Agape bandeia portaobjetos
Agape accessories
Agape accessori
Agape abaco composiciones
Agape abakus kombina- abaque tionsmöglichkeiten compositions
Agape ausführungen
Agape introducción
Agape codifica
Agape codificación
Agape codification
Agape encimera/lavabo
Agape washbasin/ countertop
Agape waschtischplatten plans/lavabo
Agape waschtischplatten plan/lavabo
Agape piano/lavabo
Agape en caillebotis
Agape grating shelf
Agape carabottino
Agape telaio con piano in frame with a
Agape estructura con estante de caillebotis
Agape información técnica
Agape technische informationen
Agape informations techniques
Agape informazioni tecniche
Agape technical information
Agape angaben zur positionierung
Agape positioning instructions
Agape indicaciones de colocación
Agape indications de positionnement
Agape indicazioni di posizionamento
Agape abacus compositions
Agape finitions
Agape introduzione
Agape einleitung
Agape introducion
Agape kodifizierung
Agape code
Agape composizioni
Agape composiciones
Agape holes
Agape introductions
Agape komponenten
Agape components
Agape componenti
Agape composants
Agape componentes
Agape guía de posicionamiento
Agape positioning guide
Agape positionierung- sanleitung
Agape guide de positionnement
Agape guida al posizionamento
Agape composition guide
Agape guía de composición
Agape komposition- shandbuch
Agape guida alla composizione
Agape guide de composition
Agape kombina- tionsmöglichkeiten compositions
Agape compositions
Agape square
Agape sen * limón
Agape memory mix
Agape fez 2
Agape memory
Agape dot line
Agape sen *
Agape 369 bucatini
Agape mach 2
Agape produkt- identifikation
Agape product identification
Agape identificazione prodotto
Agape identificación del producto
Agape identification produit
Agape accessoires
Agape price list.
Agape systems,
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