
Price list Casabath 2A Illuminazione e specchi 2023

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Casabath reflex 2/3 · reflex 2/3 · reflex 2/3 · reflex 2/3
Casabath wave - c28
Casabath mirror cabinets
Casabath mirrors
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Casabath senzafine
Casabath blade
Casabath mirror system reflex
Casabath reflex
Casabath sesamo
Casabath listino prezzi in punti · iva esclusa
Casabath price list in points
Casabath tarif en points
Casabath preisliste mit punktsystem
Casabath hot
Casabath a b
Casabath minimal
Casabath radius
Casabath radius / l
Casabath easy 3
Casabath easy 4
Casabath pass
Casabath pass+
Casabath round / l
Casabath round
Casabath round / s
Casabath round / r
Casabath wave
Casabath zero15 / s
Casabath zero15 a
Casabath zero15 b
Casabath c28 a
Casabath c28 b
Casabath c28 c
Casabath c28 d
Casabath stratus 2
Casabath all light 2
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Casabath victor / c
Casabath victor / s
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Casabath up 2
Casabath up 3
Casabath trend 1
Casabath trend 2
Casabath trend 3
Casabath trend 4
Casabath tweed / r
Casabath park
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Casabath mirror 90+
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Casabath reflex 1
Casabath reflex 2
Casabath reflex 3
Casabath reflex 4
Casabath wave c28
Casabath sesamo l/m
Casabath sesamo l/a
Casabath sesamo m
Casabath sesamo a
Casabath specchi contenitori · miroirs conteneurs · mirror cabinets · spiegelschränke
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Casabath pulizia e manutenzione
Casabath reinigungs und wartungsarbeitungshinweise
Casabath spezialreinigung
Casabath condizioni di vendita
Casabath specchi
Casabath illuminazione e accessori
Casabath struttura - struttura - struttura - struttura
Casabath dimensioni - dimensions - sizes - größe
Casabath impianto elettrico - système électrique - electrical system - elektrisches system
Casabath specchio - miroir - mirror - spiegel
Casabath interruttore touch - interrupteur tactile - touch switch - touch-schalter
Casabath specchi retro illuminati - miroirs avec rétroéclairé - mirrors with backlight - spiegel mit r ückbeleuchtung
Casabath doppia accensione remota - double allumage à distance -double remote wall lighting - doppelte fernzündung
Casabath in/out
Casabath tipologia illuminazione - type d’éclairage - type of lighting - beleuchtung eigenschaften
Casabath hot 402
Casabath std 102
Casabath cd 200
Casabath hot 401
Casabath std 202
Casabath 33
Casabath 34
Casabath st 101
Casabath 26
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Casabath st 201
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Casabath ottagono / s
Casabath ottagono / l
Casabath ottagono
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Casabath stratus trend 1 trend 2 trend 3 trend 4 tweed / up 1
Casabath 80
Casabath 132 134 136
Casabath /s
Casabath madison
Casabath 38
Casabath saturno
Casabath 100 120 122 124 126
Casabath stratus 1
Casabath zero15
Casabath /l
Casabath all light2
Casabath mirror 90
Casabath mirror 90 +
Casabath saturno 1
Casabath saturno +
Casabath c28
Casabath 78
Casabath 138
Casabath 108
Casabath 60 62 48
Casabath 58
Casabath 50 70
Casabath 892
Casabath 66
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Casabath park park 2 park 3 pass pass + radius radius round round round round / r
Casabath 74
Casabath 76
Casabath 56
Casabath 106
Casabath wave / s
Casabath 98
Casabath minimal 2
Casabath 82
Casabath up 2 up 3
Casabath 86
Casabath 54
Casabath 128 112 114 116
Casabath minimal 4
Casabath 88
Casabath minimal 1
Casabath 94
Casabath 96
Casabath 196
Casabath 182
Casabath 208
Casabath 162
Casabath md line
Casabath temperatura colore, lumen e resa cromatica della illuminazione led température de couleur, lumen et rendu des couleurs de l’éclairage led color temperature, lumens and color rendering of the led lighting farbtemperatur, lumen und farbwiedergabe der led-beleuchtung
Casabath volume 2a
Casabath condizioni generali di vendita e di consegna
Casabath general delivery and sale terms
Casabath termes general de vente et de livraison
Casabath allgemeine verkaufs-und lieferbedingungen
Casabath lux 02
Casabath apertura manuale · ouverture manuelle · manual opening · manuelles öffnen
Casabath apertura motorizzata · ouverture motorisée · motorized opening · motorisierte öffnung
Casabath installation instructions
Casabath installationsanleitung
Casabath instructions d’installation
Casabath istruzioni per l’installazione
Casabath achtung: anweisungen zur montage des deckenspiegels
Casabath attenzione: montaggio specchio a soffitto
Casabath attention: montage miroir au plafond
Casabath attention: installation ceiling mirror
Casabath attenzione - attention -attention -achtung
Casabath éclairage et accesoires lighting and accessories
Casabath miroirs mirrors
Casabath 36
Casabath 142
Casabath miroirs à conteneurs mirror cabinets spiegelschränke
Casabath termes general de vente general delivery verkaufsbedingungen
Casabath 22
Casabath beleuchtung und zubehör
Casabath spiegel
Casabath caractéristiques techniques techincal specification technische eigenschaften
Casabath * utilizzabile esclusivamente con l'interruttore touch std 102 e std 202 * utilisable seulement avec interrupteur tactile std 102 et std 202 * to be used exclusively with the touch switch std 102 and std 202 * zu verwenden nur mit dem touch-schalter std 102 und std 202
Casabath sistema di illuminazione senza fili per ante e specchi contenitori
Casabath beleuchtung für türen und spiegelschränke
Casabath système d'éclairage sans fils pour portes et armoires à miroir
Casabath wireless lighting system for doors and mirrored cabinets
Casabath attenzione · attention · attention · achtung
Casabath rétroéclairage en option
Casabath retro illuminazione opzionale
Casabath optionale hinterleuchtung
Casabath optional backlighting
Casabath montage und einstellung
Casabath assembly and adjustment
Casabath montage et réglage
Casabath montaggio e registrazione
Casabath assembly
Casabath montaggio
Casabath montage
Casabath freistehender hängeschrank
Casabath montaggio specchi - miroirs de montage - mounting mirrors - montagespiegel
Casabath montaggio specchi rotondi con sabbiatura perimetrale montage de miroirs ronds avec sablage périmétrique - assembly of round mirrors with perimeter sanding montage von runden spiegeln mit umfangsschliff
Casabath montaggio specchi - miroirs de montage - mounting mirrors - montagespiegel c28 - all light - tweed - park
Casabath montaggio specchi - miroirs de montage - mounting mirrors - montagespiegel trend
Casabath caratteristiche tecniche
Casabath caractéristiques techniques
Casabath technische eigenschaften
Casabath technical specifications
Casabath imballaggio specchi
Casabath miroirs d'emballage
Casabath packaging mirrors
Casabath cm
Casabath h p l h d w
Casabath l h d w
Casabath h p
Casabath h p l h
Casabath d w
Casabath art.
Casabath begrenzung der dynamischen weissen led-anlage
Casabath limitazione impianto led bianco dinamico
Casabath limitation de l'installation du led blanc dynamique
Casabath dynamic white led limitation
Casabath maggiori informazioni: oppure: plus d'information: oubien: more information: or: mehr informationen:
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Casabath cartongesso
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Casabath specchi contenitori