Listino prezzi Simas 2024
254 pagine
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Contenuti rilevanti
Simas agile
Simas evolution
Simas po mo
Simas lante
Simas arcade
Simas frozen
Simas kitchen
Simas accessori
Simas ricambi
Simas true ethic and quality
Simas certifications
Simas essenze mobile stairs
Simas finiture rubinetteria
Simas finiture accessori victoria
Simas codici di nomenclatura combinata dei prodotti e degli accessori simas h.s. codes for simas products and accessories
Simas garanzia / warranty
Simas condizioni generali di vendita
Simas conditions générales de vente
Simas allgemeine verkaufsbedingungen
Simas finitura lucida
Simas finitura opaca
Simas stairs
Simas manufatti
Simas societa’ italiana
Simas sanitari
Simas 1955
Simas listino prezzi 2024
Simas info
Simas foriù
Simas balloon
Simas collection
Simas en
Simas it
Simas de
Simas fr
Simas excellence through tradition and respect
Simas the acknowledgement of our efforts
Simas information for installing suspended products all of our products are suitable for suspension and have passed all the relevant tests. safe installation of suspended products is guaranteed when they are mounted on walls with an appropriate structure that are strong enough to support the weight of the installation. information pour l’installation de sanitaires suspendus tous les produits indiqués pour l’installation suspendue ont passé les tests de référence avec succès. on garantit par conséquent l’installation suspendue sur cloisons suffisamment structurées et de toute façon aptes à la charge. informationen zur installation für hängende produkte alle aufgeführten produkte für hängende / wandmontage haben die referenztests bestanden. dadurch wird gewährleistet, dass die wandmontage wenn an den zu montierenden wänden eine gute struktur gegeben ist, diese die last trägt.
Simas dimension weight pallet
Simas color
Simas dimension
Simas price
Simas pallet
Simas article
Simas weight
Simas weight pallet
Simas glossy biscuit
Simas white
Simas wooden bathroom cabinets
Simas ceramics sanitary ware
Simas fixing kits
Simas cast iron bathtubs
Simas mirrors
Simas cistern mechanisms
Simas metal stands for washbasins
Simas taps and mixers
Simas seat covers
Simas simas grants a guarantee period of two years since the date of delivery of all the products in the catalogue. simas assumes no obligation other than the replacement of defective part upon presentation along with proof of purchase, providing that the product has been in accordance with the simas operating instructions and with the current plumbing practice properly installed, used and serviced. consumable articles (rubber elements, gaskets etc.) are not covered by this warranty, as well as labor, shipping and duty charges.
Simas glossy/matt*
Simas stors01
Simas fluor01
Simas fluor02
Simas wa 03
Simas wa 02
Simas wa 01
Simas wa 05
Simas wa 04
Simas wa 08
Simas wa80
Simas wa 07
Simas wa100
Simas wa 06
Simas wa120
Simas wasa05
Simas wasa02
Simas wasa03
Simas wasa04
Simas wasa01
Simas wasa07
Simas wasa06
Simas was01
Simas wasa08
Simas was02
Simas was04
Simas wass05
Simas wass06
Simas was03
Simas ag61
Simas ag101
Simas ag91
Simas ag81
Simas ag51
Simas ag40
Simas ag20
Simas ag121
Simas ag121d
Simas ag141d
Simas ag80
Simas ag60
Simas ag50
Simas s60
Simas s59
Simas ag80in
Simas ag60in
Simas ag45in
Simas agsa101
Simas agsa61
Simas agsa51
Simas agsa81
Simas agsa91
Simas agsa141d
Simas agsa121
Simas agss51
Simas agss61
Simas agss81
Simas agss141d
Simas agpl
Simas agss101
Simas agss91
Simas agss121
Simas baden baden
Simas agf101
Simas agf91
Simas agf51
Simas agf61
Simas agf81
Simas agf141
Simas agf121
Simas agm50
Simas agm40
Simas agm20
Simas agm91
Simas agm81
Simas agm61
Simas agm51
Simas agm101
Simas agm121
Simas agm121d
Simas agm141
Simas tommlt
Simas tommlm
Simas tommba
Simas tommlp
Simas tommla
Simas tosi
Simas tosdi
Simas tommdi
Simas tommbg
Simas tosdid
Simas bemmdi
Simas bemml
Simas bemmlm
Simas bemmlp
Simas bemmb
Simas besdi
Simas besdid
Simas osmml
Simas osmmlm
Simas osmmdi
Simas osmmlp
Simas osmmb
Simas ossdi
Simas ossdid
Simas rf
Simas vibla
Simas vibb
Simas viblma
Simas vibli
Simas vibbm
Simas vicd
Simas vibvi
Simas eimmb
Simas eibli
Simas eimml
Simas eiblm
Simas eibbm
Simas eibb
Simas eimmdi
Simas eibla
Simas eic100
Simas eisdi
Simas rf2
Simas eibd
Simas eic101
Simas eibvi
Simas eisd
Simas wb1270d
Simas wb1470s
Simas wb1480s
Simas wb1470d
Simas wb1480d
Simas wb1280s
Simas henges