Fittings offering more comfortable operation.

Boiling water is also one of our specialities. However, we give a great deal of thought to how

we can make your daily life in the kitchen even easier – for example, with ranges of fittings that all

offer swivel spouts and other clever features, and even protect the environment.

Touch control with a pre-set flow duration for

lower water consumption. Also ideal if you

just want to wash your hands quickly when

things get busy again in the kitchen.

e.g. ALESSI Sense by HANSA

on pages 24 ff.

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Pull-out showers provide an extended work-

ing radius. They offer a practical way of fill-

ing larger pots without spilling water all over

your kitchen. They are also extremely handy

for rinsing cooking utensils.

e.g. HANSARONDA starting

on page 34.