Scandinavian and European suppliers


We mainly purchase raw materials, semi-finished and finished products from suppliers within

Europe. We have opted out of overseas transport and subcontractors, prioritising neighbouring

countries. By selecting suppliers closer to our production facilities, we minimise the transportation

of raw materials and products throughout the product life cycle.

In 2021, 61% of our suppliers were located within Scandinavia. 41% of our spending was spent

in the Baltic countries, 38% in Scandinavia, 11% in Eastern Europe, 5% in Southern Europe, 5%

in Western Europe, 0.1% in Asia and 0.01% in the UK. Within the next three years,

alternative sustainable methods within the transport sector will be investigated and implemented.

The primary transportation methods are by road and sea, while monitoring of airfreight has been

initiated, and a reduction target is set to 10% in 2023-2025.
