Floor: Swimming Pool Light Blue, Lava Concrete Light Grey,

Lava Concrete Light Grey Step and Riser

Wellness And Swimming Pools

Swimming pool and Spa surfaces requires careful attention in terms of application and design


RAK Ceramics innovative solutions for Swimming pool and Wellness are up to date with the

latest trends in tile design as well as in technical excellence and quality standards. Outdoor or

indoor projects, we have the products and expertise to provide the perfect solution in terms

of comfort and safety, leaving to the architects and interior designers the limitless possibility

to express their imagination. RAK Ceramics’ tiles are designed to ensure perfect integration of

your pool projects to its surrounding landscape and interior design style, eliminating aesthetic

boundaries. The comprehensive product range comes in various sizes, materials, designs,

accessories and even steps and edges making it a complete pool solution.

Enjoy your leisure time in a stylish environment that fully reflects your personality.

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