Experiment, research, explore, curiosity, not stopping at

the results obtained but going further, always, in multiple

directions, gathering different requests and influences, also

coming from distant worlds. Research and innovation have

always been in the DNA of antoniolupi, they have been since

the company’s origin and have guided its evolutionary path

in recent years. The study of what is new and the attention

for every form of creativity is in the character of the people

who guide it, it is an attitude that feeds day by day and is

an approach that is transmitted to all those who are part of

it. Therefore, antoniolupi has always been at the forefront of

process innovation, aesthetic and functional research on the

product, scanning new materials or the unprecedented use

of the more traditional ones, as well as the use of advanced

technologies to update the value of older materials. The

meeting between man and matter takes place in this way,

in the name of continuous experimentation strengthened by

knowledge of manufacturing techniques and the ability to

integrate new and specific skills. A path that led to better

explore the potential of all the precious tools that nature

makes available to the project but that went further, to

develop new synthetic materials capable of guaranteeing

excellent performance and meeting aesthetic and style

needs. Materials that quickly entered the company’s life and

that today allow us to better express a contemporary spirit

and an elegant and sophisticated language.