• Ha una tenuta molto affidabile.

• Ha una tenuta molto ampia (angolo di tenuta).

• Il particolare dispositivo di regolazione non permette manovre accidentali.

Valvole a globo:

• E’ una valvola bidirezionale in quanto realizza la tenuta nei due sensi.

• L’organo di comando utilizzato consente di effettuare regolazione di flusso e memorizzazione della portata.

• Grazie alla struttura in due pezzi (corpo/manicotto) garantisce un passaggio molto ampio.

• Consente di avere una manovra semplice e rapida (90°).

• Non teme confronti nel rapporto prestazioni/qualità/prezzo.

• E’ idonea per utilizzi con fluidi aereiformi.

• Ha una tenuta molto ampia (angolo di tenuta).

• Il particolare dispositivo di regolazione non permette manovre accidentali.

• Non avendo cavità interne, non permette al

fluido intercettato di ristagnare.

4. Advantages compared to...

Ball valves:

• The selected internal elements along with its structure don’t let the lime settle.

• Provides very smooth and constant life long operation.

• Preventing the backwater areas allows the complete emptying just opening the valve.

• Very compact, short face to face, even with UNI EN 10226-1 threads.

• The special lever handle allows the adjustement of the flow and to memorize its rate.

• Very cost effective.

• The special lever handle allows the reduction of the flow rate while closing, as a result an anti hammer is provided in the installation.

• The unique throttling device doesn’t allow accidental opening and closing.

• Being without internal cavities it doesn’t allow the standing of the fluid intercepted.

Gate valves:

• It allows a fast and easy operation (90°).

• The special lever handle allows the adjustement of the flow and to memorize its rate.

• Thanks to the 2-piece body design it offers a large bore.

• Very cost effective.

• Suitable for air and gases.

• Extremely reliable tightness.

• It has a wide tightness angle.

• The unique throttling device doesn’t allow accidental opening and closing.

Globe valves:

• It is tight in both directions.

• The special lever handle allows the adjustement of the flow and to memorize its rate.

• Thanks to the 2-piece body design it offers a large bore.

• It allows a fast and easy operation (90°).

• Very cost effective.

• Suitable for air and gases.

• It has a wide tightness angle.

• The unique throttling device doesn’t allow accidental opening and closing.

• Being without internal cavities it doesn’t allow the standing of the fluid intercepted.

4. Avantages par rapport à...

Vannes à sphère:

• Les materiaux speciaux utilisés pour les composants à l’interieur et la structure speciale de la vanne, ne permettent pas le dépôt de


• Elle permet d’effectuer une manoeuvre trés souple est constante dans le temps.

• N’ayant pas de zones de stagnation de l’eau, permet le complet desamorçage en ourvrant la vanne.

• Elle est trés compacte, écartement reduit, même si avec un taraudage UNI EN 10226-1.

• La poignée special permet le réglage d’écoulement et la mise en mémoire de la portée.

• Ne craint pas la comparaison performance-qualité-prix.

• La poignée speciale permet, en phase de f

érmeture, le règlage d’écoulement, en evitant coups de bélier sur l’installation.

• La poignée spéciale de réglage ne permet pas monoeuvres accidentelles.

• N’ayant pas de cavité à l’interieur ne permet pas la rétamage du

fluide intercepté.