On behalf of ZEITRAUM Kaschkasch has developed the

variable furniture system RAIL that cuts just as fine a figure in

the home as it does in the office. Thomas Wagner talked to

Florian Kallus and Sebastian Schneider about it.

Detailed Interview:


living room

From the

to the office –

and back again

Thomas Wagner: What is so special about

your new table system for ZEITRAUM?

FLORIAN KALLUS: There are several special aspects about the product. For

one thing, it is a new office concept. Together with ZEITRAUM we tried to in-

troduce the idea of solid wood into the of

fice. We simultaneously set out to de-

velop the approach systematically, rather than seeing the connection between

office and office furniture so strictly. We took our RAIL table as the starting

point – with its specially developed T-Move pro

file. This metal profile now forms

the central theme for the new system. But unlike an individual table this one

cannot only be extended, as in addition various elements can be attached to it –

such as a crossshaped top or a 60° trapezoidal top. This means it’s possible to

form a wiggly line, say, in a large room. We configure the system in such a way

that in principle it can be extended in all directions, in other words not only in

length but also in height and width. No matter what the finished combination is

like, at the points where the tops meet only one trestle is needed to join them

to each other. You don’t get two sets of table legs. And whether you are assem-

bling or dismantling your table configuration it takes next to no time: Loosen the

tensioning lever, insert a top, fasten the tension lever again – that’s it!