Rilievi: note sulla collezione | Rilievi: notes on the collection

a wall covering) easily evolves into a facade which seems to have been

carved with a chisel - although this is not the case. These modules are

conceived to convey an impression of movement, and the three models,

in seven colour combinations, create a powerful effect on a surface,

which is never passive but rather an organic contributor to the forms

and colours involved in the fascinating combinations. The slab is very

much present and has the same worth and status as the relief pattern

associated to it.

In the light of this dichotomy between the linear and the sculpted,

expressed through the skilfully balanced visual expedients, the use of

repetition adds vigour to the module’s intrinsic meaning.

As we have seen, a rejection of facile, superficial creative dynamics

in favour of an investigation reaching above and beyond has always

been a central, clearly recognisable feature of this Venice-based duo,

who already have impressive international partnerships to their credit,

including the London Design Festival, the Kalmar Konstmuseum, the Paris

Designer Days, Ca’ Foscari University, the Venice Biennale, the Sandretto

Re Rebaudengo Foundation, the Sindika Dokolo Foundation and the

V-A-C Foundation, and also won the 2018 Wallpaper Design Award.

Graphics, advertising and product design: the pair have always opted

for a type of design closely linked to the observation of everyday items,

followed by their reinterpretation in a version applied to experimentation

with materials. This duality, combined with their energetic yet elegant

visual language, forms Enrica and Marco’s primary code, experienced in

this specific context through serial carvings. On walls.

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