SOHO. The best in ecological,

environmentally sustainable heating

for new homes

Tubes has always been a company that

has kept a watchful eye on develop-

ments in the market, both from aes-

thetic and design perspectives, as

well as in terms of new technology.

Now it is the first Italian compa-

ny to offer an innovative approach

to heating homes, using a sustain-

able system especially suited to

new construction techniques. Over

the past few years, planning and

building methods have changed sig-

nificantly: buildings are becoming

increasingly better insulated as

regards temperature, and increas-

ingly autonomous in terms of ener-

gy (as foreseen by the Ministerial

Decrees, Decree n° 192 of 19.08.2005

and subsequently amended by Decree

n°311 of 29.12.2006).

In 2005, the first of these De-

crees, n°192, came into force with

its requirement for greater ener-

gy efficiency in construction or

redevelopment works. This regula-

tion was translated into a new sys-

tem of energy classification for

buildings, based on annual energy

consumption, demonstrating a tan-

gible move towards environmental

protection in the face of uncon-

trolled exploitation of resources.

The following diagram gives a bet-

ter idea of this new regulation.

(see page 51)

These days, even the housing mar-

ket is moving towards solutions

aimed at saving energy and us-

ing renewable energy sources: so-

lar radiation into direct current

electricity (through photovoltaic

systems), wind energy, geothermal

energy and from biogas.

Against this background, build-




‘Class A’ and ‘Class B’. With the

concept of the ‘passive house’, or

high energy efficiency house, the

idea of a highly heated insulated

house with extremely reduced en-

ergy needs has become a reality.

classified as ‘Passive Hous-




common in Italy. ‘Class A+’,

This is the market segment that

Tubes wants to enter. The Basics

14 radiators or the Color

�X range

and, most importantly, the latest

model produced, Soho, are the per-

fect solution for this category of

buildings, in terms of flexibil-

ity, speed of heat exchange re-

sponse, ability to function at low

temperature, and high thermal ef-


The best kind of heating sys-

tem for these new advanced hous-

ing classifications needs specific

features that satisfy environmen-

tal well-being and energy saving


Tubes’ products are tested by the

European laboratory of reference,

MRT, at Milan Polytechnic, and data

obtained reveals substantial dif-

ferences between a heating sys-

tem with underfloor heat radiating

panels and a system using Soho heat

radiating elements.

Bear in mind that radiator heat-

ing systems have undergone great

changes since the early examples

of the mid 20


century, and to-

day they are designed to work at

low temperatures (the heat radiat-