Ariapur80 è la soluzione ideale creata per l’installazione in bagni ciechi, cioè senza
finestra, per la rimozione dei cattivi odori direttamente dal vaso WC.
Ariapur80 is the ideal solution created for installation in bathrooms without
windows, for the removal of odours directly from the WC.
Mec VS0858312
Pneu VS0858362
curva/bend Ø 90/L400
Mec VS0858313
Pneu VS0858363
curva/bend Ø 90/L400
Mec VS0858321
Pneu VS0858365
curva/bend Ø 90/110-L230
Mec VS0858324
Pneu VS0858364
Block autoportante/free-
standing Block H 1140
curva/bend Ø 90-L400
Mec VS0858511
Murare/In-wall H 1140
Mec VS0853305
Pneu VS0853355
Fixsystem H 1050
curva/bend Ø 90-L400
Mec VS0853315
Pneu VS0853365
Block H 1140
curva/bend Ø 90-L400
Mec VS0853325
Pneu VS0853375
Block autoportante/free-
standing Block H 1140
curva/bend Ø 90-L400
Mec VS0853335
Pneu VS0853385
Fixsystem H 1050
curva/bend Ø 90/110-L230
Mec VS0853317
Pneu VS0853357
Block H 1140
curva/bend Ø 90/110-L230
Mec VS0853327
Pneu VS0853377
Block autoportante/free-
standing Block H 1140
curva/bend Ø 90/110-L230
Mec VS0853337
Pneu VS0853387