The air we breathe indoor

Healthier indoor climates

— Without

a doubt, the air we breathe is essential

for our health. Even for indoor environ-

ments, where we spend so much of our

time, the air quality is vital to our sense

of wellbeing.

In any space and o

ften impossible to see,

chemicals are emitted into the air. These

emissions come from all kinds of objects

in our everyday lives. The type of emis-

sions that can have an adverse effect on

our health contain what’s called Volatile

Organic Compounds (VOCs). In fact, the

majority of VOCs can be found at home—

in certain types of soaps, perfume and

cosmetics, cleaning products and disin-

fectants, fuel, paint, plastic and the like.

At Muuto, we want our furniture to enhance

your surroundings, while at the same time,

create healthier indoor climates. That’s why

we go to great lengths to have our furniture

tested. So far, the vast majority of our furni-

ture collection is VOC tested.

Our work internally

Our operation

— We always consider

how our decisions will affect the lives of

those around us. That also includes evalu-

ating our internal operations.

Our Danish HQ, offices and warehouses

are running on 100% renewable energy.

A move that lowers our overall carbon

footprint. It’s an initiative we are in the

process of incorporating in all our Muu-

to showrooms and flagship stores around

the world.

In addition to lowering our carbon foot-

print, we have implemented a system that

tracks our energy consumption and carbon

emissions across our internal operations.

This allows us to continuously measure,

evaluate and find new ways to improve.

A shared responsibility

Our suppliers

— As we aim to take re-

sponsibility for our operations, we expect

and demand the same from our suppliers.

In striving to ensure that our designs are

produced using safe techniques, by skilled

workers who operate under healthy con-

ditions, we have all our manufacturers

sign our Code of Conduct. Our Code of

Conduct is aligned with the UN Global

Compact of Human Rights and includes

principles that respect labor laws, human

rights, ethical conduct as well as the en-

vironment. Key issues include anti-cor-


ruption policies and prohibiting child la-

bor. Because for us, it’s essential that our

suppliers share the same mindset when it

comes to socially responsible practices.

Reflecting on materials

Conscious designs

— Whenever we de-

velop a new product with our designers,

we reflect on the impact it will have on

your health, your surroundings and the


We continuously seek new perspectives

and work with the best in our industry to

learn about new techniques and materi-

als. The search for the right materials is

an integral part of our design process

and we put great importance on all the

materials that comprise a design. From

the large components, such as wood and

textile, down to recycled materials used

in our designs and packaging, we con-

sider a material’s origin and life cycle.

In early 2022 we launched the new genera-

tion of Fiber Chairs, designed with a wish

to improve our environmental impact.

Fiber chair in recycled plastic &

FSCTM-certified wood

As part of our sustainable initiatives, we

wish to increase our use of recycled ma-

terials in order to reduce waste and our

consumption of natural resources.

The new generation of Fiber Chairs is

designed with a conscious perspective in

mind and a wish to improve our environ-

mental impact. The Fiber Armchair and

Explore a selection of certificates for

each product in the Collection Over-

view. For a full overview, see our Prod-

uct Fact Sheets.