System description

Leak monitoring for double-walled piping

The Wall Street Heliport in Manhattan/

Installation work with no interruption in

The explosion-protected vacuum leak

New York

flight services

Use case

A helicopter fuelling station in New York City – safe

thanks to explosion-protected vacuum leak monitoring

The Wall Street Heliport, located in lower Manhattan, is used

for both tourist excursion flights and business air traffic. On

any typical sunny summer day at the height of the tourist sea-

son, this heliport will experience more takeoffs and landings

than JFK International Airport over the same period of time.

In July 2010, during this peak operating season, a new fueling

system was installed by BRUGG Pipesystems using BRUGG


The first step was to lay out and connect a 500 ft. length of

pipe along the length of the pier, to the first fuel station. The

whole length of pipe was then carefully secured to the side

of the pier, using a boat and mobile crane located onsite. This

detector next to the pumping station

was a very complex and difficult process to complete, due

to the changing tides, wave action caused by the movement

of boat traffic on the East River and the constant helicopter

rotors. At this point the piping was placed beneath the deck of

the pier, and positioned in a channel between a support beam

and the deck, and finally raised through a hole into the pump

station – all the while being subjected to the constant waves

on the river.

Lastly, an additional length of piping was installed between

the tank and the pump station for filling and transferring

jet fuel. The final pressure test confirmed that the BRUGG

FLEXWELL®-HL piping installation and the vacuum leak

detector had no errors or leaks anywhere in the system.

The customer will be able to rely on the quality, reliability and

durability of this pipe installation for many years to come.

Tony Ramos,

Core Engineered


Again and again BRUGG

”We at Core sell compliance, value and

long service life. The BRUGG pipe offers

all of these values and stands alone

in above ground applications. It also

exceeds all the criteria for pipe below

ground and under piers.

I don‘t know any other double-wall pipe

that protects against fires, UV and

offers the same durability and flexibility.

Core looks forward to many more

opportunities with this product.“


Subject to technical changes. Page 5