

The BELLOSTA products feature an exclusive and extensive range of finishes, made with premium materials and eye-catching, by highly qualified staff.

The SWAROVSKI crystals applied on some of our products and the marking are, in particular, the result of fine craftsmanship. Therefore, any small differences between the finishes and/or irregularities in surface

flatness should not be considered as defects, but as natural features of the production process used, which enhance its craftsmanship, turning every item into a unique creation.


Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l. provides to the final user a “conventional guarantee” (commercial) that is considered as supplementary and not substitutive of any other right enjoyed by the final user qualified as “Consumer”

of the product, with regard to the subject from which the good was purchased. In particular, the conventional guarantee provided by Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l. does not affect the rights the “Consumer” enjoys under the

termsofD.Lgs.6September2005n.206,sectionIV,titleIII,articleIasamended. Underthetermsofart.3ofD.Lgs.206/2005“Consumer”referstotheindividualactingoutsidehisbusiness,trade,craftsmanshipor


The “conventional guarantee” solely refers to the repair and/or replacement on a no charge basis of the mechanical parts of the product sold by Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l. acknowledged as flawed with respect to

the production or the material, as well as repair and/or replacement of the parts of the products sold by Bellosta that feature serious defects in the external surface finish (for example, in chrome plating) due to the

production or to the material, provided that an appropriate tax document relative to the above products (invoice or final purchase receipt) is submitted.

Nonetheless, Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l. retains at its sole discretion the right to replace the flawed product with a similar product or a higher quality product.

Any product and/or part replaced by Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l. will result as owned by BELLOSTA.

The duration of the conventional guarantee acknowledged by BELLOSTA and effective as of the date of purchase by the final user of the products is:

1) 5 years for defects of casting, if the final user acts in quality of Consumer under art. 3 D.Lgs. n. 206/2005;

2) 5 years for defects on cartridges with ceramic discs and head screws, if the final user acts in quality of Consumer under art. 3 D.Lgs. n. 206/2005;

3) 2 years for defects on thermostatic cartridges, if the final user acts in quality of Consumer under art. 3 D.Lgs. n. 206/2005;

4) 5 years for defects of chrome plating, if the final user acts in quality of Consumer under art. 3 D.Lgs. n. 206/2005;

5) 2 years for defects on all other finishes, if the final user acts in quality of Consumer under art. 3 D.Lgs. n. 206/2005;

6) 1 year, for defects as per the above points 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5) if the final user is not acting in quality of Consumer under art. 3 D.Lgs. n. 206/2005.

7)ProductsidentifiedwiththeNONVENDIBILE inscriptionmaybeusedfordisplaypurposesonly.Thereforetheycannotbesellandarenotcoveredbyanyguarantee

In order to define the purchase date of the products – date as of the above terms become effective – the tax document shall apply (invoice or final purchase receipt) delivered by the final user upon purchase.

Moreover, if the appropriate documents demonstrating the purchase, Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l. reserves the right to acknowledge or not the guarantee.


To benefit from the “conventional guarantee” provided by Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l., flaws should be reported in written form to Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l. and to the distributor/retailer Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l. where the

products was purchased before and not later than:

a) 2 months after discovering the flaw if the final user acts in quality of Consumer under art. 3 D.Lgs. n. 206/2005;

b) 8 days after discovering the flaw if the final user does not act in quality of Consumer under art. 3 D.Lgs. n. 206/2005. The written report of flaws should include the name and address of the Bellosta retailer where

the product was purchased, date of product purchase, indication of purchased product (with model and identification code) and defect discovered. Moreover, the invoice or receipt should be attached to the claim with

the picture of the claimed defect.

The Customer Service Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l. will handle the request of assistance in “conventional guarantee” as soon as possible according to the following procedure:

• Check the above requirements in the written report of the defects;

• Check the type of flaw claimed;

•WrittennoticebyBellostaCarlo&C.S.r.l.authorizingthefinalusertofinaldeliveryofproductsand/orofdefectivecomponents –withinvoiceandfinalpurchasereceipt–andinstructionsontheproceduretofollow

to make this return ex works (at the address: Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l. in Briga Novarese (NO), Via Sandro Botticelli n. 12/14).

The repaired and/or replaced product will be returned postage paid. Moreover, the guarantee concerning the products not installed yet will be effective, without prejudice to the above three points, only if the item is

returned to Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l. in its original package and with an appropriate tax document (invoice or final purchase receipt).

For products incorporated in furniture or walls and for all the products for which (once the failure is verified) home assistance is necessary (and the final user explicitly requires it) the costs will be at the charge and risk

of the final user also concerning workforce due to the need to uninstall the product and/or make it serviceable for the technical staff called for assistance, reinstall it after the intervention and restore the conditions of

the property. Moreover, the final user will be charged the costs of travel for home assistance.

The “conventional guarantee” acknowledged by Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l. does not cover costs and/or damage to coatings of any kind (among which, just as an example but not limited to it: tiles, stones, metals, wood,

porcelains, fabric, hereunder, from now on, for the sake of brevity referred to as “Coatings”), costs and/or damage to furniture, furnishing, the workforce costs due to the need to uninstall (and/or make serviceable

for the intervention), as well as reinstalling defective products (among which, just as an example but not limited to it, for products integrated in furniture and/or walls). The “conventional guarantee” acknowledged by

Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l., thus, does not include any charges, costs and/or damage caused to coatings, furniture and/or furnishings due to or consequential to the uninstalling an reinstalling of defective products, as

well as any damage suffered for lack of use of the product.


The “conventional guarantee” shall apply only if the products sold by Carlo Bellosta & C. S.r.l. were used normally, complying with the prescriptions of installation, use, maintenance and cleaning of the products above,

in the assembly instructions of products and in the warning labels on the package of the products or accompanying the products, and does not apply in the following cases:

• lack of appropriate tax document (invoice or final purchase receipt) proving the purchase of the product (with name and address of retailer where the final user purchased the product, purchase date and model/item

of the purchased product);

• requests of assistance in conventional guarantee beyond the terms under the previous section called “Terms and conditions of conventional guarantee”;

• failure to comply with safety and/or technical regulations required by the country where the product is used;

•negligence,damage,deterioration,duetolightning,weatherconditions, powersurgesandovercurrents,insufficientorirregularpowersupplyand/orotherforcemajeureorwearcauses;

• installation, use, maintenance and/or cleaning of the products wrong or non-complying with the above products installation, use, maintenance and cleaning prescriptions, with those indicated in the products assembly

instructions, and in any warning label on the packages of the products or on the products themselves;

• deterioration of the finishes due to the use of aggressive, acid and/or abrasive products and/or, in general, to maintenance and/or cleaning of the products wrong and non-compliant with the above mentioned

installation, use, maintenance and cleaning prescriptions of the products, with those indicated in the products assembly instructions, as well as any warning label on the package of the products or on products


•lackofinstallation ofappropriatepressurereducersandfiltersupstreamonthesystem;

• lack of installation on product of filters, if applicable;

• pressures /or temperatures non-complying with the parameters indicated in the above products installation, use, maintenance and cleaning parameters, those indicated in the products assembly instructions, and in

any warning label on the packages of the products or on the products themselves;

• the surface of the product is not cleaned daily and exclusively with a soft cloth and water and any drops or water deposits are not immediately wiped out with a soft cloth and water, which may lead to the building up

of limescale hard to remove later;

• breaking and/or malfunctioning due to ferrous wastes released by ferrous piping and/or in an inappropriate maintenance state;

• failed and/or inappropriate operation due to high values of salinity and/or chlorine in water, sand, debris and/or other impurities existing in the water;

• deterioration due to chemical and electrochemical agents;

• technical interventions, repairs and/or modifications of the products made by the final user, technicians and/or third parties not explicitly authorized by Bellosta Carlo & C. S.r.l., except for ordinary maintenance the

final user has to carry out, according to the above indications and as per assembly instructions;

• damage occurred during transportation of products and/or due to customer and/or third parties. In case of delivery of the goods by a carrier, the final user, or his representative, should check that the content of the

package delivered matches what the invoice or final purchase receipt indicate. Any damage to the package and/or to the product or the lack of correspondence of the number of parcels with the indications in the invoice

or final purchase receipt, should be immediately reported, with a hand written comment signed on the transportation document. Otherwise, once the transportation document of the carrier has been signed, without

any claim, the final user can no longer file any claim as to the external characteristics of the delivery, concerning the number of received parcels, losses and failures;

• breaking and/or malfunctioning due to frost, impurities of any kind and/or foreign bodies present in the pipes, hardwater;

• natural or socio-political events (such as, including but not limited to, weather conditions, fires, natural disasters, wars, unrest and/or turmoil);

• use of non-original BELLOSTA spare parts;

• modifications, tampering and/or use of non-original optional accessories provided by third parties and applied to the products.

This conventional guarantee does not include ordinary maintenance and replacement of filters, filter screens, aerators, cartridges and of all the parts considered as “consumables” and/or subject to ordinary wear and


Moreover any amendment to this “conventional guarantee” can be issued only by Carlo Bellosta & C. S.r.l. in written form.