vibrant living



A chair that

can be stacked:

So high as to

touch the sky

Ideal as dining chairs indoors, on the terrace at

home or in street cafés these light weight chairs can

be stacked easily, which makes them immediate

favourites in case of limited space.

Strings of recycled plastic in colours developed ex-

clusively for ames, are woven over powder coated

tubular steel frames formed by hand in family-run

workshops in Bogotá, which lies at a height of 2,600

meters: at least a few steps closer to the heavens than

many places on earth!

Ideal für Wohnzimmer wie Terrasse, zu Hause oder im

Straßencafé, sind diese federleichten, einfach stapel-

baren Dining-Stühle die perfekte Wahl für tollen Style

auch auf kleinem Raum.

Bunte Recycling-Plastikschnüre in eigens für ames

designten Farben werden auf pulverbeschichte-

tes Stahlrohr gewoben – von Hand geformt in den

familienbetriebenen Manufakturen im 2.600 m hoch

gelegenen Bogotá – himmlisch schön!
