My bathroom


Individual actions, preventive treatments

and digital technologies are conquering the

bathroom. They are transforming our daily

bathroom routine into a sensual ritual tailored


to our needs. They are also reconfiguring our


The bathroom has gained importance as a

living space. At least twice every day, we

close the bathroom door behind us and have

the place all to ourselves. Nowhere else in

these times of permanent accessibility can

we be so undisturbed and nowhere else is it

possible to practise our individual rituals

away from the daily stress in such peace.

In the light of the demographic development

“The bathroom

as a personal,

regenerative space”

of society and the growing awareness of

health and prevention, the bathroom is devel-

oping into an intimate place of retreat for

contemplation and recuperation. A very

personal, regenerative space in which we take

care of our well-being every day.

Sebastian Kneipp realised all those years

ago that the regular targeted use of water had

a positive effect on both the body and mind.

In 19th century Europe, the German priest

made the “water cure” popular with his

system of hydrotherapeutic treatments.

However, the physical and mental good that

water can do to us has been known for centu-

ries. Homer described the bath as a cure


The extending

nozzle on the

washstand allows you

to experience the

invigorating arm

and forehead jets

advocated by Kneipp.


La doccetta

estraibile da lavabo

per la cura personale

consente spruzzi

stimolanti sulle braccia

e sulla fronte secondo

il metodo Kneipp



El caño extraíble

de lavabo permite

lavarse los brazos y

la frente siguiendo la

tradición de Kneipp.

for “mind-draining work” while Hippocrates

was an advocate of cold water treatments and

recommended cold water jets for rheumatism

and gout as well as cold poultices to cure


Even today, the positive effects of water are

beyond dispute. Only the ways in which water

is presented and in which we undergo water

treatment have changed or more accurately


they have been specialised. Today, people’s

needs decide on the individual design of the

treatment rooms and products: how should the

bathroom be arranged so that it corresponds

to my own personal needs? Which functions

do I require for which activities? How can I

use digital equipment to create more luxury

in the bathroom? There are many ways to

arrange my bathroom. But I’m actually only

interested in one way: mine.