Efficiency. Energy savings.
Over the past few years these are the goals that everyone is focussing
on. And it is precisely in this perspective of energy efficiency that, more
and more frequently, in applications with circulators and in-line pumps,
frequency variators and remote control systems are being used to optimise
the operation of electric pumps. Not only that, also to increase the comfort
of the system.
In fact, through the electronic control and the use of inverters, the reliability
and efficiency of the pump reach maximum levels and, at the same time,
the operation and protection of the system are optimised, reducing, for
example, noise and vibrations related to the abrupt opening of thermostatic
EBARA offers a range of specific products for this range, such as E series
inverters or systems that can communicate via Modbus, digital/analog
inputs and digital outputs.
This ensures remote control and communication with the most advanced
home automation systems.
And efficiency and energy savings are a reality.
EBARA Pumps Europe
EBARA Pumps Europe