facade SUBStRUctURe SYSteMS

and cOMPOnentS.

The Ventilated Curtain Walls System (VCWS)

A ventilated curtain wall is a facade system composed of several layers, in which the supporting external wall

is provided with a layer (cladding) that offers protection against the weather. The cladding can be made from a

wide variety of materials: ceramic, metal, fibre cement, composite panels, natural stone etc. The substructure

attaches this façade cladding to the solid outer wall of a building while leaving a gap between the two.

Ventilated Curtain Walls are acknowledged as one of the most sustainable, cost-effective, and technologically

advanced facade systems. On top of their outstanding structural and physical advantages, VCWS offer architects

a virtually unlimited range of possibilities for creating striking designs.




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