Coffee beans

Roasting coffee beans

creates chaff - dried skin

that falls off due to the

high temperature.

Coffee shell fibres

Coffee waste is a byproduct

of the coffee industry but

collected, it can be used as

a strong fiber for our

MatekTM production.



Consists of mixed plastic

from large electrical equip-

ment, household appliances,

displays, fridges, etc. E-waste

is considered the fasest-

growing waste stream in

the world.

Plastic granulates

The e-waste is sorted, and plastic

parts are separated from other

elements. Granulated we can use

e-waste as a binder material for

our MatekTM production.

Introducing MatekTM

Coffee Waste Light

Mixing the fiber with the

binder material creates a

unique compound that can

be used for press moulding.