Conditions generales de vente CRISTINA S.r.l.

CRISTINA S.r.l. general condition of sale

20) Sauf en cas de dol ou de faute grave de CRISTINA S.r.l., la responsabilité et le

montant consécutif du dédommagement éventuellement dû par CRISTINA S.r.l.

au Revendeur sont limités au prix d’achat par le Revendeur du produit ou des

produits CRISTINA S.r.l. faisant l’objet d’une contestation et/ou faute.

21) Les conditions contractuelles différentes des présentes Conditions générales de

vente de CRISTINA S.r.l., même si rappelées, ajoutées, modifiées, et/ou insérées

dans les commandes ou dans toute communication du Revendeur, ne seront va-

lables que si elles sont expressément et spécifiquement acceptées par écrit par un

représentant autorisé de CRISTINA S.r.l.

22) Le Revendeur reconnaît que la société et les marques utilisées par CRISTINA S.r.l.

sont la propriété exclusive de cette dernière. Le Revendeur ne pourra pas reven-

diquer des droits ou la propriété de l’entreprise ou des marques mentionnées

ci-dessus. Ceci, ni directement ni indirectement, par une personne, société et/

ou un organisme interposé. L’utilisation des marques CRISTINA S.r.l., SILFRA ou

CRISTINA S.r.l. ou par le Revendeur, là où autorisée, se fera en conformité avec les

directives établies par CRISTINA S.r.l.En cas d’apposition des marques CRISTINA

S.r.l., SILFRA ou CRISTINA S.r.l. sur l’enseigne du Revendeur, en plus d’être préal-

ablement autorisée par écrit par CRISTINA S.r.l., le Revendeur sera tenu au paie-

ment de tout impôt et/ou taxe légaux, y compris ceux relatifs à la publicité. Les

marques qui apparaissent sur le matériel promotionnel éventuellement fourni par

CRISTINA S.r.l. au Revendeur sont exclues : dans ce cas, le Revendeur n’aura pas

besoin d’une autorisation de CRISTINA S.r.l. Dans tous les cas, le Revendeur s’ab-

stiendra de promettre ou représenter à toute personne, oralement ou par écrit,

des prestations autres que celles prévues dans les catalogues, dépliants, fiches

descriptives des produits, manuels d’instructions et, en général, dans le matériel

publicitaire ou d’illustration fourni par CRISTINA S.r.l.Le Revendeur est tenu de

veiller à ce que toutes les formes de publicité, réalisée par ce dernier, dans lequel

apparaissent les produits CRISTINA S.r.l., SILFRA et/ou CRISTINA S.r.l. sont con-

formes à la réglementation en vigueur de la loi sur la publicité.

23) Toutes les données personnelles reçues en vertu des relations contractuelles rég-

ies par les présentes Conditions générales de vente seront traitées sous forme

électronique et sur papier.

Les données peuvent être communiquées par CRISTINA S.r.l., dans le cadre de

ses compétences respectives et spécifiques, à des conseillers fiscaux, sociétés de

révision comptable, professionnels, organismes publics, établissements de crédit,

agents d’affaires, promoteurs, marchandiseurs, centres d’assistance technique, à

l’égard desquels il y a pour CRISTINA S.r.l. l’obligation, ou la nécessité ou la possi-

bilité de communication, et ce également aux fins d’un meilleur accomplissement

de chaque obligation contractuelle respective.

24) Le Revendeur ne pourra céder, en totalité ou en partie, sans le consentement

préalable écrit de CRISTINA S.r.l., les droits et obligations prévus dans les prés-

entes Conditions générales de vente, ni les éventuelles créances opposables à


25) Le Revendeur s’engage à garder confidentielles toutes les informations de tou-

te nature et dans tous les cas acquises au cours de l’exécution des prestations

régies par les présentes Conditions générales de vente. En particulier, le Reven-

deur s’engage à ne divulguer à des tiers aucune information obtenue au cours de

l’exécution des prestations réglementées par les Conditions générales de vente,

et à mettre en place toutes les précautions nécessaires afin que ses employés et/

ou collaborateurs se conforment à de telles dispositions, le tout également en

pleine conformité avec les dispositions du décret législatif italien n° 196/2003. A

cet effet, il est établi que : toutes les informations, quel que soit le mode d’ac-

quisition/de collecte par le Revendeur ne seront pas utilisées, ni distribuées ou

communiquées à des tiers à des fins autres que celles prévues par les présentes

Conditions générales de vente, sous réserve, toutefois, des cas où (i) il est nécess-

aire d’obtempérer aux obligations réglementaires ou légales, ou à la demande

des autorités italiennes ou étrangères auxquelles il n’est pas possible d’opposer

un refus, ou (ii) de telles informations sont déjà dans le domaine public ou sont de-

venues publiques autrement que par la violation des obligations de confidentialité

en accord avec les présentes Conditions générales de vente.

Le Revendeur s’engage à communiquer et à faire respecter les obligations en ma-

tière de confidentialité mentionnées dans le présent engagement à ses employés

et à tous ceux qui, pour une raison quelconque, collaborent ou ont collaboré à

l’exécution des prestations couvertes par les présentes Conditions générales de


Les prévisions et interdictions visées au présent article resteront en vigueur même

après l’éventuelle résolution, annulation ou résiliation pour une raison quelconque

de la relation contractuelle qui lierait CRISTINA S.r.l. et le Revendeur.

26) Bien que les présentes « Conditions générales de vente » soient rédigées en an-

glais, français, allemand, espagnol et russe, en cas de divergence entre le texte

écrit en italien et celui écrit dans une autre langue, le texte italien, comme indiqué

dans celui-ci, sera le seul faisant foi comme texte original.

27) L’utilisation des logos et images de CRISTINA S.r.l. est réglementée par l’annexe

“Utilisation marque CRISTINA et SILFRA et images pour communication On et

Off Line”.


Orders shall be sent by the Dealer in writing, specifying full details of the items,

quantity, discounts, and any other important data relating to each article.

CRISTINA S.r.l. shall not be required to send an order confirmation whereby, in

this case, the contract of sale is intended as concluded, in accordance with Article

1327, first paragraph of the Italian Civil Code, at the time when execution of

each order by CRISTINA S.r.l. begins, relieving CRISTINA S.r.l. of its obligation to

promptly give notice of the beginning of performance to the Dealer. Orders shall

not be binding for CRISTINA S.r.l. which has the right to accept or reject them, at

its sole discretion. CRISTINA S.r.l., even after acceptance, however expressed, of

an order, and in consideration of the fact that products may be unavailable or due

to force majeure events, reserves the right to decide whether or not to execute

the order. If an order accepted by CRISTINA S.r.l. is not executed, CRISTINA S.r.l.

undertakes to only give prompt notice thereof to the Dealer who hereby agrees

to refrain from requesting any penalty and/or compensation for any damage.

The terms of delivery, if indicated, are merely indicative and not binding (is

this depends on the procurement of products to supply to the Dealer and also

depends on factors beyond CRISTINA S.r.l.’s control); any delays by CRISTINA S.r.l.

shall in no way constitute grounds for compensation for damage, or termination of

the agreement, or grounds to request penalties, price reductions and/or deferred

payment by the Dealer.

The identification of goods and transfer of ownership shall take place when the

goods are entrusted to the carrier.

The Dealer shall be responsible for all costs for transport and insurance as well

as the transport-related risks, and the delivery (and return) of products shall be

at CRISTINA S.r.l.’s warehouses located in Fontaneto d’Agogna and/or Gargallo

and/or Gozzano (EXW- Ex Works), unless the parties agree otherwise in writing.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, CRISTINA S.r.l. shall also be entitled to choose

the forwarding agent and/or carrier. In any case, CRISTINA S.r.l. shall not be

responsible for delays in delivery, loss and/or damage to goods incurred during


CRISTINA S.r.l. provides the end user of the products with a “standard warranty”

(commercial), which is intended to supplement and not replace any other rights

enjoyed by the end user, who has the status of “consumer” of the product against

the party from whom they bought the item. In particular, the CRISTINA S.r.l.

standard warranty does not affect the consumer rights provided for in Legislative

Decree 206, Part IV, Title III, Chapter 1 dated 6 September 2005 and subsequent

amendments or additions, or any other applicable national legislation applying to

the Consumer covering the sale of consumer goods issued pursuant to European

Directive 1999/44/EC and subsequent amendments and additions. Pursuant to

Article 3 of Legislative Decree 206/2005, the “Consumer” is any natural person

acting for purposes other than his/her business, commercial, craft or professional

activity; pursuant to Article 1 of European Directive 1999/44/EC, the “Consumer”

is any natural person who, in contracts subject to the said Directive, acts for

purposes other than that of his/her business or profession. The “standard

warranty” only covers the free of charge repair and/replacement of mechanical

parts sold by CRISTINA S.r.l., acknowledged to be defective in materials or

workmanship, as well as the repair and/or replacement of product parts sold by

CRISTINA S.r.l. presenting severe defects in the outer surface finish (by way of

example, chrome plating) due to workmanship or material, provided that the

above-mentioned products are accompanied by suitable financial document

(invoice or receipt). In any case, CRISTINA S.r.l. reserves the right, at its discretion,

to substitute the defective product with a similar product or one of higher quality.

It should be noted that CRISTINA S.r.l. becomes the owner of all products and/or

parts eventually replaced by the same. The repair or replacement of products

and/or defective parts are subject to the Dealer’s shipping of the defective

product and/or part to CRISTINA S.r.l. If at home assistance is required for

products embedded in furniture or walls and other products requiring such

assistance (where the fault has been established, and there is an express request

from the end user), the end user will be charged and responsible for all costs

including labour costs deriving from the need to uninstall the product and/or

make it accessible to the technical personnel who must perform the intervention,

to reinstall it after the intervention and restore the conditions of the premises.

Moreover, the end user will also be responsible for transfer costs needed for at

home assistance. It should be noted that the CRISTINA S.r.l. “standard warranty”

does not cover the costs and/or damages to any covering (including, but not

limited to, tiles, stones, metals, wood, porcelain, fabrics, hereinafter for the sake

of brevity referred to as Coatings); costs and/or damage to furniture and fixtures,

labour costs resulting from the need to uninstall (and/or make available for

intervention) and reinstalling of defective products (by way of example, for

products embedded into furniture and/or walls). Therefore, the CRISTINA S.r.l.

“standard warranty” does not include any charges, costs and/or damages caused

to the Coatings, furniture and/or furnishings due to or resulting from the

uninstalling of defective products and, after the intervention, subsequent

reinstallation and any damage to the product due to lack of use. CRISTINA S.r.l.

declines any liability for incorrect installation, use, maintenance and cleaning of

the products and/or non-conforming to the instruction manual and/or any warning

labels on the product packages or accompanying the products. Therefore,

CRISTINA S.r.l. cannot be held liable for malfunctions or faults attributable to

incorrect installation, use, maintenance and/or cleaning of the products purchased

and/or non-conforming with the instructions in the instruction manual and/or any

warning labels that appear on the product packages or that accompany the

products. Moreover, CRISTINA S.r.l. is not liable for any damage that may, directly

or indirectly, occur to persons, things or animals as a result of non-observance of

the requirements set forth in the product instruction manual and any warning

labels on the packaging of the products or accompanying the products

concerning, in particular, warnings regarding the installation, use, maintenance

and cleaning of the same. Unless otherwise clearly indicated on the warranty

certificate accompanying each product, the CRISTINA S.r.l. standard warranty

typically has a valid period of five years from the date of purchase by the end user

of products sold by CRISTINA S.r.l. to a Dealer. Please note that the financial

document (invoice or final purchase receipt) issued to the end-user at the time of

purchase will testify to the purchase date of the products - the date on which the

standard warranty takes effect. It should also be noted that in the absence of

documents proving the purchase, CRISTINA S.r.l. reserves the right to claim or

disclaim the warranty. The standard warranty is applied if the products sold by

CRISTINA S.r.l. were generally used and does not apply in the following cases: -

Incorrect use, installation, maintenance and/or cleaning of products or non-

compliant with the instructions in the instruction manual and/or any warning labels

on the packaging of the products or accompanying the products; - neglect,

damage, deterioration, lightning, atmospheric phenomena, over voltages and

over currents, insufficient or irregular power supply, force majeure, wear; - requests

for assistance under the standard warranty beyond the expiry stated in this Article;

- lack of a suitable financial document (invoice or tax receipt) proving the purchase

of the product; - damages caused during the transport of the products and/or due

to the customer and/or third parties, - failure to comply with the safety and/or

technical regulations required by the country where the product is used.

Furthermore, the standard warranty does not apply in the following cases: -

modification, tampering and/or use of non-original optional accessories provided

by third parties and applied to the products; - use of non-original CRISTINA S.r.l.

spare parts; - breakages and/or malfunctions due to frost, impurities of any kind

and/or foreign bodies present in pipes, limestone; - deterioration of finishes due

to the use of aggressive, acidic and/or abrasive products; - deterioration due to

chemical and electrochemical agents; - failure and/or unsuitable operation

resulting from high salinity and/or chlorine values in water; - failure and/or

inappropriate operation due to sand, debris and/or impurities existing in the

water; - failure to install appropriate pressure reducers and filters upstream of the

system and failure to install the filters product where provided; - pressures and/or

temperatures not conforming to the parameters indicated in the instruction

booklet and/or any warning labels on the packaging of the products or

accompanying the products; - breakages and/or malfunctions due to ferrous

scraps released by iron pipes and/or in poorly maintained condition; - technical

repairs and/or modifications of the products made by the end user, by technicians

and/or by third parties not expressly authorized by CRISTINA S.r.l., excluding

routine maintenance performed by the final user, according to the instructions

provided in the instruction booklet and/or any warning labels on the packaging of

the products or accompanying the products; - natural or social and political events

(such as, but not limited to, atmospheric events, fires, natural disasters, wars,

terrorist attacks, riots and/or agitation). Please note that this standard warranty

does not cover routine maintenance or the replacement of filters, nets, aerators,

cartridges and all parts which are considered “consumable” and/or subject to

normal wear and tear. It should also be noted that only CRISTINA S.r.l. can make

changes and/or integrations to this “standard warranty”, which are to be issued

through written communication. By signing these General Conditions of Sale for

acceptance, the Dealer expressly waives the legal guarantee and related actions

that the same may invoke against CRISTINA S.r.l. according to the law on legal



