Products code
Il codice del prodotto è indicato all'esterno della confezione di vendita (esempio: PST 4001).
La scatola del Pastelli contiene nr. 14 fogli di mosaico.
The product code is shown on the outside of the package (example: PST 4001).
The Pastelli box contains 14 sheets of mosaic.
Indication for the compilation of the job prescription
Posa in ambienti con riscaldamento
a pavimento
Installation in areas with underfloor heating
Pastelli is suitable for underfloor heating systems, complying
with the following requirements:
- reduced thickness (7,2 mm)
- good thermal conductivity of the ceramic material
- minimum amount of glue required for laying
- use of cement-based grouts for filling.
Following these requirements will ensure the effective technical
performance of the system, ensuring the optimal passage of
heat and maintaining an ideal temperature in the room, while
making the floor comfortable to the touch.
Grès porcellanato: piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco a basso assorbimento di acqua.
E ≤ 0.5% gruppo B I a - M - UGL - EN 14411 appendice G
(formati 1,2x1,2 - 2,5x2,5 - 1.2x3.75 cm). Cottura a ciclo lento. Resistenti al gelo.
Porcelain stoneware: dry-pressed ceramic tiles with low water absorption.
E ≤ 0.5% Group B I a - M - UGL - EN 14411 appendix G
(sizes 1/2x1/2" - 1x1" - 1/2 x 11/2"). Slow firing cycle. Frost resistant.
Certificati disponibili su richiesta
Certificates available on request
Technical informations
Installation in areas with underfloor heating